Address: THÉÂTRE PARADOXE : 5959 Monk, Montreal QC.
Parking: There is only street parking available at this venue. We recommend that you take a taxi/UBER.
Doors open at 9pm and we recommend arriving early
Last entry is 2am so arrive before then.
We are unable to assist with ticket transfers less than 48 hours before the event. You can follow the instructions here: hhttps://www.eventbrite.ca/help/en-ca/articles/441118/how-to-update-your-ticket-registration-information/
Or you can forward the ticket to the person you are transferring it to. We are not responsible for issues with ticket transfers requested less than 48 hours before the event.
Cirque De Boudoir is a thematic fetish event and EVERYONE is expected to make their best effort with their outfit. Any fetish outfits or sexy outfits on theme, are highly encouraged. Sexy outfits are adequate.
We want to see your sexiest OTT PIN UP outfits 🔥
Your absolute BEST & MOST CREATIVE EFFORT - Full fetish outfits & kinky outfits on the theme. Extreme and complete head-to-toe looks.
All very sexy, fetish, kinky & creative costumes/outfits!
You check out our pinterest for inspiration if you are still figuring out your outfit:
Also acceptible outfits include:
Latex / PVC / Rubber
Harnesses / Straps
Leather / Chaps
Fetish-Goth / Fetish-Punk
FULL Fetish Military or Fetish Uniform
Fantasy or Period Fetish Costume
Fetish Furry
Sex Kitten
Armour / Chain Mail
Drag / Cross-Dress
Body Paint
Fancy Lingerie
We have a basic dresscode pinterest that you can reference here:
GOING TOPLESS IS TOTALLY FINE! However you must keep your bottoms covered - a g-string is the mininum.
Put your phone away and vibe in the party! We have official photographers that will take your pics - just approach them and ask.
There will be a selfie zone located at the back of the room - this is the only place you will be permitted to take a personal photo. No cameras around = much more enjoyable party for everyone, where everyone feels more comfortable expressing their kinky creativity!
Don't touch others without their consent - not everyone wants to be touched by you so just don't. NO MEANS NO. If someone is not interested in interacting with you, leave them alone.
If you have an issue with another attendee - we are here to help. Please let our security or staff know and it will be taken care of anonymously!
Make sure to play safe, sane, and consensual in the dungeon!
There is a coatcheck available for all your outside clothing, bags etc. You are welcome to change into your outfit at the venue - either at the coatcheck or in the bathrooms if you need more privacy. Coatcheck is complimentary for VIP ticket holders, and around $3 otherwise.